Twenty Something Letters

Firstly, today is 24th February, 2020. Today, it's my birthday and I am Twenty Something years old. Ordinarily, I am not a birthday freak, but this year, I want to make a difference and that's why I am dropping Twenty Something Letters - a collection of letters that seek love and approval; that show appreciation; and that tell of pain that has come to be part of my becoming. It is evident that these letters aren't fictional, but therein the letters are fragment of fiction, like that of letters addressed to situations rather than human. I want to also add that the fact that they are addressed to situations rather than human don't make them less true. I know it's not yours to bother about, but as in human, some may still find this confusing. If you get to read this means you truly want to read the letters. So, let me make an apology before you proceed to download. I am sorry if the collection of letters doesn't meet your expectations, I am not a write...