Whenever people say cliches like "if you want to change the world, change it with your hands" do they mean that if I desire a changed world, I should sheath my sword and spill  blood? Or perhaps they mean I should instil a change putting pen to paper? The world has been thrown into turmoil that arises from this cliche, people misunderstand it, and twist the meaning to suit their courses. Are they worthy of blame? No they are only wallowed in lust of their so called revolution. Even that they sheath their swords, spill their bloods, leave their bodies turn carcasses to be feed on by scavengers, the public still reckon with them as altruist for they think their rights are fought for. But I call them egoist who have been devoured by the luxury of their revolution.
Violence, so the saying goes, begets Violence. You can have a change with a sword but it will only last momentarily, why? You achieve the change but you've left a scar which is deeper than your countless imaginations. The scar will reopen any time the heart reminiscence about it, and swords, they will sheath again to revenge the bloods of their fellow brothers who were just victims of a mere revolution. Would the fightings stop? No, it will only be an endless fierce battle where; their minds will be incarcerated in their bodies, no roofs over their heads, the city will be shattered into potshard and the minors will suffer. Day and night, they'll carry their loved ones to a place somewhere beneath the land that shows no illumination of the stars. It will seem to them Armageddon -  their hell have started right from earth. And you the revolutionist who desire the change with the power of the sword will be excited over a pseudo-victory? But reality will actually struck you intimately when you realise the hottest part in inferno awaits you despite your cleansing in the purgatory.
Why do we have the pen and the sword both controlled by the hand? The answer isn't far-fetched. The reason we have a writer now and a soldier then is the reason we have a pen and a sword. The writer writes to make peace and promotes tranquility through the roar of the ink, he writes placidly but the subtle meaning is far understood beyond the scope of his writing, and a soldier, blunt his sword will be is to maintain the made peace. The world has gone past times of fighting, so if individual desire to change the world, do so with the power of the pen and not the ruthlessness of the sword. The pen will change it for a long time if not forever and the sword will change it for a trice, that is if it changed at all.
Be it political, religious, economical or social, we human always clamour for a change. We want the world to change completely in a jiffy after which we no longer enjoy its utility. We always wish for an overnight revolution, so that peace will reign vastly again. But we forget, peace is no built on platter of unjustified ruthless manslaughter but rather on the beds of justice which is powered through a pen, For pen is mightier than the sword. A pen revolution pays a million times over a sword revolution.

Penned down by: Kolade Malik A


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