Literary review of "Blizzard - Hunger is cold"

Blizzard - hunger is cold Blizzard is a novella authored by David Onyemaizu, which chronicles the vacation of an adventurous auditor in chief, Terry Droop, who is consumed with the ecstasies from his recent promotion at his office and the divorced suit filed by his wife, Martha. I have mountainous reasons to be dithyrambic about the book. In an apparently congent view, if the male lead character is displaced in the book, Blizzard tells a chronological story that captures the catastrophic situations most of us find ourselves and tend to survive, emerge victorious at all cost, and not being hypocritically myopic, all sapiens will do same or more to survive irrespective of the cost attached. Also, one may wonder if definitely hunger can be cold, as the book begins with unparalleled abstruseness cum uneven exhilaration to read on, but someway doggedness and unrelenting tenaciousness has made the theme of the book fall in place in the long run of Terry Droop's odyssey. The book i...