Whirls and Waves - the untold story of death

Liver transplant was the last resort that'd keep her up and running. She was a sophomore at Obafemi Awolowo University, she had wanted to become a lawyer, to use every last of her blather to save the rights of the society and put the wrongs behind bars, she had the notion concretely buried in the mental files inside her head when her brother was accused and convicted for murder, and she had watched as the world stood still, with no aid of rescue. she had also witnessed how her father had committed suicide in his room, with rope attached to the ceiling and his neck, his atlas and axis displaced and his body dangled from the imbalance, just for the unsurmountable reason that his son couldn't die for the crime he didn't commit while he lived peacefully among the perpetrators, what magnitude of insanity! At age of ten, Adeife had experienced the sandstorms of life along with her mother. Unfortunately, the dream to become a lawyer fell short when she was diagnosed of cirrhosis, and ever since,she had got involved in the battle for life. She was petite, brilliant, young and beautiful with good dentition but she fought the toughest battle, the one that turned her world to crumbles of snacks.

Cirrhosis, the doctor had lectured her mother, "results from excessive drinking of alcohol over a prolonged period", "but she neither drinks nor smokes" her mother had always embattled the doctor over that. But for how long would she fight the doctor on that when she didn't know her daughter any longer, neither could she predict the monster nor the angel she became.

The certainty to live dimmed when the surgery was recorded as failure, it was sure she would die and they need to make her last days memorable, it was disheartening, her mother had cried oceans of tears, her loved ones had been by her side each sharing the good memories they had, everyone wept for they knew she had little time left, while she, Adeife smiled with hope of recuperating.

While everyone had forgotten Adeife ever existed, the withered rose lay helplessly on her grave yard, seemingly, her prototype files had been deleted and the world had moved on, few months later, the tragedy behind her death surfaced.

Linda had been good friend of her who visited the hospital frequently to check on her improvement, and when she died, she had helped her mother pack some of her baggage. Everyone knew Linda to be the alcoholic type, though Brilliant, and that perhaps, was the string that attached Adeife to her.

"Today, I know Linda will be happy for I started drinking. It was exhilarating, and I progressed impressively. I started with two bottles, then moved on to four, and afterwards, proceeded geometrically. At a moment, I lost my humanity, the senses in me became stupor, but I recovered.
Today, Erdoo, I'm being victimised, my sanity has held my ambition accountable for it lustful desires, The drinks, smokes and sniffs are occurrence of my unconventional love for my desires. You know Erdoo, mother is broke, and I have to survive, I have to become a lawyer, in turn I do the undone. He pays for my tuition, helps with miscellaneous, in return, to share the bed with him. He smells pungently, He is monstrous, inhumane, and lustfully engrossed. He tortures and rapes me if I refuse, he victimizes me, and this heightens my level of aggression, seclusion, victimization and intimidation. it boils in me, and sublimes my humanity. He is the monster my mother cherished, he is my mother's husband, he is my stepfather. The one whose act drives me nut, and makes me drink, smoke and sniff. Codeine is good Erdoo, you should take it some day. Erdoo, never tell this to anyone, it's a secret we have to take to our graves, and if you do, never forget to tell the person to take it to their grave.
I love you ERDOO"

Linda was surprised after she read the diary and it dated to Adeife's first year in school. A part of herself felt guilty of her death, she had led her to drink, smoke and sniff unconditional of the reason that erupted. Now, she had read the unread, consequently she was caught up amidst whether to tell Adeife's mother or take the secret to her grave.


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