"I am a victim, and peace no longer resides in my heart, even when I'm home. You can relate with this platitude "Home is where peace resides", but in my home, reverse is the case, peace is lost at home. Everyone lives under a façade, so to say, for I can't speak for everyone but myself. l live under a façade of a peaceful house, (emphasis is made on the peaceful house). Every day of my life, ever since the dramatic turn of event a decade ago, I've been searching for peace. My heart, soul, every part of me has been searching for it, but I haven't found it, not yet. And I know many of you will wonder what took away my peace, what had thrown me into the dungeon of self-hatred, what lowered my self-efficacy, and what disorganized my self-esteem. Those questions, I hope you find answers to it in my story, and that's if there is one.

I was less than ten when my life changed, I don't want to dive deep into my story because it's not my point to discuss. I was living peacefully, my family was living peacefully until something, something beyond us drifted us apart. At the outset, every member of my family looked forward to its prosperity except someone. We thought it was something that would bring us fortune, something that would strengthen the bond of family, but no, it drifted us apart.
I was young, and when it happened, we got happy when adversities came around, we laughed at one another's flaws, we held our stereotypes against one another, and everything was shattering to pieces.  I couldn't comprehend it with my childish cerebrum, so it didn't have much effect in me. But when nature took its course, and I metamorphosed, reality loomed, I became afraid I was going to be heartbroken, that my home was going to fall apart (though fallen already), and that I may no longer be at ease. So I began my long walk of freedom, to bring things back to normal, but unfortunately, things had gone beyond (my) control, (prequel to you), I was just reaching my teen years, and what could I do when it involved the grown ups (my parent)? Bereft of words, that was how I gave up on bringing back the family - the family that once laughed without hysteria, once loved without prejudice, and once judged without resentment -  together, that was how I lost my peace forever, and if perhaps, I cross path with my peace (at home) again, I won't hold onto it dearly, cos this heart is too broken to be mended by peace, too broken to be made irrationally enthusiastic with love."

The story above may be tragic, but that's just another advocacy to consider in our society. Many children became a victim of broken homes without the parent divorcing each other. How? The love bank suddenly got empty? Or the intimacy got dried up? Or they stopped enjoying each other's company? Or both (the parent) got lost in a strange world where each couldn't find his or her way back? Few people who feel an iota of peace at home often surrogate the definition of peace for home, while a few, whose homes are filled with turbulence and adversities can't define what a home is. Perhaps they only have roof over their heads and not a home, or perhaps, the home is already broken.
Broken families breed broken homes, broken homes breed broken societies and the chain goes on until individual gets broken and the broken souls begin to lament about the broken country. We need to survive this, but every home needs to inculcate love again. This is my conjecture, that our society is filled with intricacies, one of the factors that contribute to it is Broken Homes. Consequence of broken homes infects rapidly like a burning spree in harmattan, and also hazy like the mist obscures in harmattan. Children are the victims of broken homes, and they are the ones that wander the streets of our society. Help a home today, and let the society feels some peace.

Fortunately, sequel to the story of that boy, the story doesn't end there, but unfortunately, that is the part he wants me to narrate. But have a glimpse of its continuation - Inadvertently, the boy realises the value of peace, and now he seeks peace, but unknowing to him, his peace lies in his redemption.
But will he find that redemption?

Broken words from a Broken soul
Kolade Malik Ademola


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